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The purpose of this ministry is for women to pursue the things of God. 


We are created by Him to be used for His glory, through the stirring up the gift of God deposited in each and everyone of us.

God requires us to have a deeper knowledge and relationship with him through the studying His word to grow and emulate Him.  


As women of God our desire is to be all that God has called us to be and empowered. We are called to love one another, pray, encourage, respect, support ,and build relationships with each other, most importantly to represent Christ in all we do. 


Our identity is found in Jesus Christ, not by society.

As daughters of the kingdom we need to understand who we are in Christ.


Sessions are held monthly where we discuss different topics that pertain to women and how it relates to the word of God. 

We also study women in the bible to learn of their character, quality traits and how they responded to life challenges from a Kingdom perspective. 

They all at some point had to depend on God to carry them through the difficult times.

Studying the word also equips us with kingdom principles that can be applied in our lives daily.


As women in Christ it is also important to reach out to our communities.

We are called to be disciples of Christ to share the gospel with the world , therefore we have to bring Christ to them. Outreach is a form Evangelism where we can be effective in winning souls for Christ.


This requires us to move beyond the walls of the church and that’s exactly what we are here to do.

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