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God Is Not an Angry God That We Have to Work to Please Him

Did you know God just wants a relationship with you? He loves to be praised and worshiped and talked to like how you would talk to your best friend.

Did you know you don’t have to do anything to please Him?

He already loves you.

I don’t like religion

I don’t like religions because they cause hatred and war. Most religions are based on doing good work to please God. Apparently, their gods are angry and unsatisfied unless you offer a sacrifice and please them. Religions are based on high pride, and pride alone causes self-righteousness.

Religious people think they are better than others.

Jesus gives an example of this through His parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The Pharisee was praying out loud about how righteous he was and how he was better than everyone, while the tax collector confessed his sins and humbly asked God for mercy. It’s in the book of Luke — Luke 18:9–14.

Religion causes separation

People think their ways are better than everyone else’s, and they think they are winning God's approval when they are not.

God wants us to humble ourselves, just like Jesus did when He came in flesh to teach us to love God with all our hearts and souls, and to love our neighbors.

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37–39 (NIV)

Those are the commandments we are to live by, amongst many others.

God’s commandments are about relationship, not religion

If you really follow the first commandment, “Love the Lord,” you will do everything you can to get to know Him.

Put it this way: if there is a certain person you like or love, you will spend time to get to know them — spend time with them and love them.

So, when you get to know God, you will understand that He gives grace and mercy and forgives us as long as we come to Him, repent, and give up our sinful ways.

God is not an angry god that He needs to be pleased by us.

Our relationship with God is important, but so are our relationships with others

If He can forgive all of us who sin daily, then we can forgive anyone who did us dirty.

I know you’re thinking it is easier said than done. But there is a way, and I will tell you exactly how!

How many times have we heard that, in order to lose weight, we must eat a healthy diet? We also must work out regularly and count our calories. Yes, it is easier said than done. I know I have had to lose weight several times in my life, and I know the formula.

But implementation is a struggle.

As the days go by, we get used to it. We start to notice the change, and we start to feel good about ourselves. We can breathe better, we don’t feel weighed down, and we don’t feel depressed. Instead, we feel like we are on top of the world.

People notice our positive change in attitude, and they start asking for advice.

That is what happens when you forgive. You feel lighter and not weighed down. You can smile and feel like you are on top of the world with the help of God.

Relationship gets us looking upward and outward

He helps you look upward and outward. We look up to God and read His words to help us. We then look outward. We are not self-consumed with bitterness. We have a change in perception and notice that others are struggling, and then we give them a helping hand.

That is looking outward.

I know, even after all that, it is still a struggle. It is not easy because we are human, and we make mistakes. Our feelings and emotions get in the way, so that we might start thinking about negative things again. It happens to me, as well.

That is why we need God.

God even says Himself that we cannot do it alone; we need His help. Whenever I feel offended or angry at a person, I turn to God’s word and prayer.

Here are some verses to pray when you need God’s help

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26, NIV) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, NIV)

To better understand relationship, study Jesus and His teachings

If your god is an angry god, then it is time to study Jesus and His teachings. It will change your perception about the God who loves you and wants a relationship with you.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)

That means Jesus is the truth. His teachings are the way and the truth about God. We can only get to God through Him. If you follow Jesus, you will see He is kind and compassionate.But implementation is a struggle.

As the days go by, we get used to it. We start to notice the change, and we start to feel good about ourselves. We can breathe better, we don’t feel weighed down, and we don’t feel depressed. Instead, we feel like we are on top of the world.

People notice our positive change in attitude, and they start asking for advice.

That is what happens when you forgive. You feel lighter and not weighed down. You can smile and feel like you are on top of the world with the help of God.

Relationship gets us looking upward and outward

He helps you look upward and outward. We look up to God and read His words to help us. We then look outward. We are not self-consumed with bitterness. We have a change in perception and notice that others are struggling, and then we give them a helping hand.

That is looking outward.

I know, even after all that, it is still a struggle. It is not easy because we are human, and we make mistakes. Our feelings and emotions get in the way, so that we might start thinking about negative things again. It happens to me, as well.

That is why we need God.

God even says Himself that we cannot do it alone; we need His help. Whenever I feel offended or angry at a person, I turn to God’s word and prayer.

Here are some verses to pray when you need God’s help

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26, NIV) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, NIV)

To better understand relationship, study Jesus and His teachings

If your god is an angry god, then it is time to study Jesus and His teachings. It will change your perception about the God who loves you and wants a relationship with you.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)

That means Jesus is the truth. His teachings are the way and the truth about God. We can only get to God through Him. If you follow Jesus, you will see He is kind and compassionate.

When you surrender to Him, He will fill you with peace and joy, and you will have a constant companion you can talk to.
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